Goldie Deutsch
Career Management Professional

Goldie Deutsch

As Vice President at JPM Chase, with over 20 years of experience in Information Technology, Goldie played a central role in selecting best employment candidates for her department. After reviewing thousands of resumes and interviewing hundreds of potential employees, she developed a keen knowledge of who gets hired and the reasons why.

Utilizing her knowledge of corporate hiring strategies and the experience of mentoring new employees, she decided to launch her profession as a Career Consultant in 1997. The services she offers consist of producing customized resumes that attract potential employers of the targeted industry and preparing clients for competitive interviews. Using effective listening techniques enables her to consistently draw out key client information and translate those experiences into skills and accomplishments that portray the client in the best possible light.

Her participation in the “Life Coach” program at Coach University greatly enhanced the listening and coaching techniques she uses when assisting clients. The methods used for interview preparation include rigorous role-plays, formulating concise responses to challenging questions, discussion of professional appearance and the importance of non-verbal communication.

The ability to work successfully with a diverse client base also draws on her past experience as principal of a high school. Responsibilities included hiring staff, designing curriculum, integrating courses of interest to students, interacting with the parent body and resolving issues as they arose. In addition, she managed the ESL (English as a Second Language) department of the school; primarily set up to accelerate the integration of foreign students into the existing student body.